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You Are a God Dream

Lina B

Have you ever considered that you are a God dream? That the Creator of the universe—the One who holds the stars in place, shapes the mountains, and commands the oceans—dreamed you up before the foundation of the world? You are not random. You are deeply cherished by the One who created everything.

Psalm 139 captures this truth so beautifully:

“I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

God carefully wove together every detail of who you are—your personality, your quirks, your passions, even the way you laugh. None of it was an accident. Every part of you was designed with intention by a God whose love for you is beyond words.

Ever since I was little, I have been obsessed with outer space. I could stare at the sky for hours, completely captivated by the stars, the planets, the vastness of it all. I remember thinking as a kid, God, You really outdid Yourself with this one. This is breathtaking.

But one day, during a quiet moment in prayer, I felt the Lord whisper something that absolutely wrecked me:

“Kalina, you are more beautiful to Me than the stars and the planets.”

I sat there, undone. The same God who breathed galaxies into existence, who arranged the constellations and set the planets in motion, looks at me—at you—and says, “You are worth more.”

He doesn’t just love us in a general sense. He cherishes us. We are not just one of His many creations—we are His most beloved creation. The masterpiece He treasures above everything else He has made.

Since that moment, the Lord and I have had this saying together: He calls me His dream, and I call Him mine. Because that’s what we are to each other—He dreamed me into existence, and He is the greatest dream of my heart. There’s no greater honor than being loved by Him, and no greater joy than loving Him in return.

But life has a way of distracting us from this truth. We compare ourselves to others, dwell on our shortcomings, and question if we’re enough. Yet God doesn’t see us through the lens of our flaws. He sees us through the lens of His love—perfect, unconditional, unshakable.

Zephaniah 3:17 says:

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing.”

God doesn’t just tolerate you—He rejoices over you. He sings over you. That’s how deeply you are loved. Every detail of you reflects His creativity and love.

And here’s the part that blows my mind: God’s love for you doesn’t waver. It’s not based on how well you perform or how put-together you feel. It’s not something you can earn, and it’s certainly not something you can lose. His love for you was settled on the cross. When Jesus stretched out His arms and said, “It is finished,” He was declaring that there is nothing—nothing—that could ever separate you from His love.

So today, let this truth settle in your heart: You are His dream. You are seen. You are known. You are wildly loved. You don’t have to strive for God’s approval because you already have it. His eyes are full of affection for you, and nothing can change that.

As we close, I want to invite you to ask the Lord something. He put this on my heart to ask Him years ago, and every time I ask, His answer is different.

Ask Holy Spirit: “What do You love about me?”

And when He speaks—because He will—Don’t dismiss it. Just receive it. Let the Lord love on you.

You are His beloved—a dream He brought to life. His most cherished creation. And that is something to celebrate.


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