He does. Do you believe it?
Early in my faith journey, I began asking the Lord for simple things—things that seemed small or even insignificant in the grand scheme of life. A good parking spot when I was running late. An A on a test I had studied hard for. A little encouragement on a rough day and time and time again, He showed me that nothing is too small for Him—because nothing about us is too small for Him.
One of the most beautiful truths about our relationship with Jesus is that He cares about every detail of our lives. Not just the big, life-altering moments—the job offers, the breakthroughs, the miracles—but also the tiny, everyday things we often overlook. Matthew 10:30 tells us that even the very hairs on our head are numbered. Think about that. The God of the universe, the One who created galaxies and commands the heavens, knows exactly how many hairs are on your head at this very moment. If He pays that much attention to something as minor as a strand of hair, how much more does He care about the little things that weigh on your heart?
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen God show up in the smallest, most personal ways. One moment that stands out to me happened at a coffee shop when I had my heart fully set on getting a blueberry muffin. Not just any muffin—the last muffin. Y’all, I had been thinking about this muffin all morning. I walked in, spotted it in the display case, and immediately whispered, “Lord, please let nobody buy that muffin before I get to the counter.” Well, apparently, somebody else either prayed harder or walked faster, because right as I stepped up to order, the barista turned around and handed my muffin to another woman. I stood there, devastated, watching my hopes and dreams crumble like the muffin I would never taste. In that moment, I felt defeated—dramatic? Maybe. But real? Absolutely. I sighed, accepted my muffin-less fate, and ordered something else, pretending I wasn’t heartbroken. And then, as I was waiting, the woman who had bought the muffin walked up to me. She smiled and said, “I actually don’t even want this—would you like to have it?” I blinked. I had so many questions. Did she hear my prayer? Was she an angel? Did Jesus just…hand me a muffin? Without hesitation, I nodded, took my rightfully mine muffin, and sat down, absolutely stunned at how God saw me even in something as silly as a pastry.
And then there’s something I do all the time that some people might think is silly—I ask the Lord what nail color I should get. Yes, really. I ask Him for wisdom about dip powder options. And listen, I know He’s not up in heaven stressing over whether I choose Bubble Bath or Funny Bunny, but I do believe He cares. He’s my Father, and if I invite Him into the big things, why wouldn’t I invite Him into the little ones too?
So there I am, sitting in the nail salon, staring at the wall of colors like it’s the most important decision I’ll make all week. I whisper, “Lord, which one should I pick?” And sometimes, I feel Him nudge me toward something simple and classic. Other times, I feel Him pushing me out of my comfort zone, like when I ended up with a bold red that made me feel like I was about to take over Wall Street. But no matter what, I always walk out of that salon smiling—because even in something as small as my nails, He sees me.
That’s why I ask Him about everything—not just the things I need but the things I want. Because He’s a Father who delights in every part of my life. And it’s not just nail colors. I’ve learned to invite Him into decisions about what I wear too. Not out of legalism, but out of love. He knows the plans He has for me. He knows what kind of day I’m about to have, the people I’ll interact with, and how I’ll feel in my own skin. He knows what will make me feel confident, joyful, and fully myself. So, I ask. “Lord, what do You want me to wear today?” And every time, I feel a sense of peace in knowing that I’m walking into my day fully aligned with Him—even in something as simple as my outfit. Because if He clothes the lilies of the field so beautifully (Matthew 6:28-30), how much more does He want to be part of clothing me?
This last example coming up is a funny one. I absolutely love telling this story, and I hope it encourages you to know that God cares.
At this time in my life, I believed in God, but I didn’t really know Him. I prayed occasionally—mostly when I needed something—but I hadn’t yet learned that God wasn’t just listening; He was actively involved. And let me tell you, I really learned that in this story. When high school finals season rolled around, I had one major request: Lord, please let me be exempt from my French exam. If you had a high enough grade in the class, you didn’t have to take the final. I had studied my heart out, poured my soul into that class, and when the final grades came in…I was one point away from exemption. ONE. I was SO upset, y’all. I couldn't believe it. All that work, all those verb conjugations, and still—I had to take that final. I remember thinking, “God, if You really loved me, You’d just make me exempt.” (Yes, I was being a little dramatic, but hey, I was in high school and finals season will do that to you.) Well, God works in mysterious ways. On the very day of my dreaded French final, a massive storm rolled in. I’m talking about Texas-style flooding, roads underwater, cars floating down the streets like canoes. It was bad. So bad that my school sent out an email saying that due to the extreme weather, students were being automatically exempt from taking their finals that day. When I tell you I almost fell out of my chair. I just sat there staring at the email, in complete shock. Like, excuse me, what? I asked God to exempt me, and He said, “Bet. Let Me just bring in a whole storm to handle that for you.” 😂 I still laugh about it to this day. Could God have simply let my grade be a little higher? Sure. But instead, He sent a flood and made sure I didn’t take that final in the most dramatic, undeniable way possible. I love that about Him. He sees even our smallest desires and moves in ways that remind us He is in control.
Maybe you’ve hesitated to bring the little things to God. Maybe you’ve thought, “He’s got bigger things to worry about.” But here’s the truth: He delights in being involved in every part of your life. Psalm 37:23 says, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Not just the big, obvious details. Every detail.
God isn’t like us—He’s never overwhelmed, never too busy, and never annoyed by our requests. He is a loving Father who wants to be included in the seemingly small things because, to Him, nothing concerning you is insignificant. He loves being invited into your everyday moments. So today, I want to encourage you: start asking. Invite Him into the little things. Ask Him to help you find a parking spot, to give you wisdom for that meeting, to send you a little encouragement when you need it. Ask Him what nail color to get and what you should wear. Ask Him to save the last muffin if it matters to you. Invite Him into the details because everything about you matters to Him. Watch how He moves. Watch how He cares. Because He does. Always.