Hello, and welcome to By Grace Through Faith!
I’m Kalina Bebel, but you can call me Lina or Lina B. This blog exists to encourage and empower you in your walk with Christ, guiding you to grow in faith, embrace His heart for you, and experience the fullness of His love. Through His grace and our faith, we can walk in obedience, rise above trials, and pursue the incredible purposes He has for our lives. My hope is that this page encourages you in your walk with Jesus and draws you closer to His heart.
​​A little about me: I’m 27, originally from Houston, TX, but now happily settled in Fort Worth, TX. I moved here to attend Texas Christian University (TCU) and graduated in 2020. Afterward, God led me to attend ministry school at Lifestyle Christianity, where my faith was deeply transformed. While there, I also pursued a master’s degree online, and I’m currently working on my PhD. I work at Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) and feel so blessed to call Fort Worth my home—it’s where my life has been transformed, and I’m in awe of all God is doing in this city!
​Random Fun Facts!
1. I love sunsets and encounter the Lord in such beautiful ways while I watch them
2. I have always been obsessed with outer space, and it's my dream to become an astronaut one day
3. Cats are my favorite animals
4. My favorite color is blue
5. I am classically trained in piano
6. I love to thrift for vintage clothes
7. My favorite food is mac and cheese, and it has been since I was a child
8. My close friends call me Lina or Lina B
9. I have a twin brother, and twin telepathy (Holy Spirit speaking to us about each other) is REAL 😂